
Archive for the ‘Ducks’ Category

This year has been a transitional year.  In part because I felt I didn’t have the extra it would take to do things well, so I decided to pull back on the farm this year.  I had 3 trios of Muscovy ducks, gave them each their own space and completely forgot about them…well, we cared for them, food, water, clean bedding, but I didn’t manage them.  Muscovy mama’s are the best mama’s I know, especially in the poultry world.  They need very little management, but they do need a little bit.  Let me explain.

1 Drake + 2 Hens

Should have 2 nest boxes so each girl lays her own eggs, until she deems there are enough, then she will set on them, and hatch them.  ummm… I only had 1 nest box in each space, so 2 girls were sharing.  I planned on moving one hen once the first went broody, but didn’t catch when that happened… So eggs were laid in with the broody girl.  That kind of makes for a mess, really.  Hatching at different times, girls fighting over nests, but once the mistake is done, it’s done…and it was done times 3!  So six hens on 3 nests.  I hoped to have 6 eggs hatch from each and figured I’d be lucky, and pleased with the 18 ducklings.

Today I checked in on the first set of sisters to start hatching and there are 32 ducklings!!  32!  That is one nest.  I doubt the other 2 will match that, but clearly I have more ducklings than the hoped for 18.

Muscovy Mamas

I am now glad I opted not to breed chickens this year, because my 11×16 growing pen will be housing some ducklings!

Oh, and you can you tell I learned a new trick with pictures?  Picmonkey.com Crazy cool!  I’m sure I’m late to the party, but better late than never.  This new photo editing option just might help get this blog moving again!

Snuggled with Mama

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Wow.  I can’t believe how long it’s been since I blogged.  This summer was a whirlwind and I just didn’t have it in me to blog. This isn’t good because I use this blog as a personal journal, especially for my farm milestones, so I’m a little unsure of how old some of the animals are.  I didn’t log in the major events of the summer.  So I’ll try to catch up a bit.

Pigs!  We don’t have them anymore.  We had the butchered on August 4.  They were butchered, here on the farm, as peacefully as possible.  No stressful ride to the butcher.  No stress of smelling death in the air while awaiting their turn.  Simply eating grain, in their usual spot, shoulder to shoulder.  Nate Huse, a local 4th generation custom butcher came to the house with his well stocked truck.  Each pig was shot, bled and hung.  Skinned.  Placed in the truck, and brought back to Nate’s shop to be hung, and pieced.  Nate is fast, efficient, a master with a knife, and clearly cares for the animals with a great deal of peace in his manner and respect in his actions.  It was amazing to watch him work.  He processed them to our specifications, and sent them back all vacuum packed for the freezer several days later.  We have been enjoying the meat with such dishes as curried ground pork, pasta sauce, stuffed pork chops, and country style ribs simmered in cherries I put up last year.  My friend built a smoke house, and we will be smoking the hams and bacon over there in the coming weeks.  Check out her bacon!  MMMM.

Cows!  Declan is growing well.  He is still running with mama all day, spending time in his own space at night, and joining her again after morning milking.  We are going to have Nate come to butcher him this fall, before Winter hits.  We decided to try this as an experiment.  We don’t want to over winter 2 cows, that need to be separated, so that the nursing will stop.  We don’t want to have a steer while we are caring for Nellie and her new calf that will come next summer, if all goes well.  The meat should still be fabulous, even if it’s less.  Sort of like veal, but without the mistreatment associated with veal.  It’s an experiment.  We might like it, we might not, but we won’t know until we try.

Nellie is ready to be re-bred.  Truth be told, she’s past ready, so we have an Artificial Insemination technician lined up for the next heat cycle in another week or so.  We hope this takes the first time, so she will calve in early June and not need to be rebred for calving in July.  We’ll see.

The pasture area is starting to fill in with natural grasses and weeds.  I have been weeding it, to try to keep the weeds she doesn’t like to eat, out.  This month we are going to finish raking it, and start throwing down seeds and mulch, in the hopes that next Spring, Nellie will have a beautiful pasture to graze on.


Not a lot to say about them.  We’ve had a lot of loss.  Seems we had a bout with coccidiosis, that took most of one age group.  We were able to control the outbreak without employing any chemicals/medications.  So we felt good about that.  Next year we will keep chicks inside a little longer so they can get past their vulnerable age before going out into the environment.

We also had a coon that was far more successful than coons in years past.  We lost about 20-25 to that before we caught him and disposed of the little menace.

We will be selecting a breeding flock from those that remain, and hope for a better year next year.


Also a summer of losses.  We lost Mimi and Isabelle to heat.  We lost Clementine to old age, but that is a happier ending.  She was retired, so she’s been lost in the since of one less breeding does, but she’s happily playing with her friend Clarice that she grew up with.  We are enjoying the rabbit ground pens we made.  They are eating grass, laying on the ground, safe, easy to care for.  It’s really the best of all worlds.  The rabbits will be moving around the pasture after Nellie in the Spring.  I’m excited with where our rabbit herd is and the direction we are moving.


We had a couple successful hatches of Muscovy.  We crossed our chocolates with blacks, and will be selecting a male from one pairing and 3-4 females from the other, so we can start a solid breeding program with that breed.  I’m excited about how that went.

We had a rough hatching year for the Runner ducks.  They hatched very poorly in the incubator, so I tried using a broody hen.  She did much better, so next year I’ll be using a couple hens to hatch out our replacement runners.  I have not divided males and females yet, but it looks like we will have a good little new flock to join last years layers this winter.


Fail!  Seriously.  I am done with a large garden.  I scaled back this year and still found myself too busy during the critical times to maintain the thing.  My summer squash/zucchini all died.  My tomatoes (all 6 plants) were destroyed by hornworms.  I had a good crop of onions, string beans, and peppers.  My plan for next year is to sign up for a CSA and simply gardening with the girls.  I hope to create good little gardeners who can take over that part of the farm.  We’ll see.

Why was I too busy to garden, blog and get the cow bred?  I had a lot going on with my full time job.  I went to a large trade show of sorts in July, so all of June and July was spent making inventory and getting things ready to freight to Seattle WA area.  Upon return I had a lot of orders to fill, followed by my friends wedding!  It’s been a good and fun summer, but now it’s time to settle into a new rhythm.  The rhythm of fall.  Foraging, picking, canning, preserving, organizing, knitting, and all around hunkering down for Winter.

I did my canned good inventory, and am quite proud of my last year canning self.  I canned enough for last year, and for many things, this year!  I have 65 quarts of diced tomatoes and 33 quarts of peaches.  We are looking good on jams.  I will be canning apple sauce on a large scale and a moderate number or of Pears since we are down to 17 quarts.  I am hoping to can up some tomato paste, various chutney’s, a little salsa, mostly fun small batch canning.  I’m very excited to be in such good shape already.


Eowyn is now a “first grader”, so we are officially homeschooling.  We have, of course, been educating our kids since they were born.  Hours of reading, and many other hands on activities to help them make connections in their brains.  But with the official homeschooling we are working out what our rhythm is for that, as well.  The girls are excited to do their “lessons” each day, so we are off to a good start.

Bead Making!

I’m back on the torch.  The show this summer, along with some other fun things, motivated me to making spending time melting glass a priority again. It’s been fun, and I’m glad to be back.  I will share some things here, from time to time.  Here is the necklace I made to wear for the show, this summer.

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Breeding season!  I’m working on two breeding programs.  I’ve mentioned the Ancona chickens, but I’m also doing something with my Muscovy Ducks.  My chocolate ducks are great, but a little undersized, so I’m breeding them with some larger ducks.  Still Muscovy, but these are Black, instead of Chocolate.  I picked up a male and a female tonight.  They have come from Yellow House Farm, and I’m excited about the project.

The Black Male will be bred to my Chocolate female.  All these ducklings will be colored black, but will carry for Chocolate.

The Black Female will be bred with “Mister” my Chocolate Male.  This is a sex-linked pairing which means that  the Male ducklings will be black and will carry for Chocolate.  The Female ducklings will be Chocolate.

Next year I’ll cross this years ducklings to bring out the Chocolate color, and hopefully increase the overall size of the Chocolate line I have.

Well, in order to do this I need to new coops.   They don’t need to be large, just enough for two ducks for a few weeks.  I got my hands on the round disks from cable packaging that are 5ft across, and used them to create an adorable round coop.

There are a couple more tweaks, like a border around the bottom to keep the bedding from spilling out, a latch on the door, and a green roof!!  I’ve been reading Small Green Roofs: Low-Tech Options for Greener Living and I’m so excited to give it a try.  I’m going to start with this coop.  Oh, and a little paint on the door and the flower…so mostly cosmetic details, which means it’s done, for the purpose of a breeding coop.

Josie had a stellar litter today.  It was on the small side, numerically, with 5 kits, but they are so chubby!  Healthy, lovely, chubby baby bunnies.

Clementine kindled as well.  Just 2 kits, so I think she’s done breeding.  She is the grandmother, and soon to be great grandmother of my current breeding does, and she’s 4-5 years old.  I’m going to see if I can find her a home as a manure maker, because she probably has a few more good years, just not as a breeder.  I hope she keeps both alive, but they are inside tonight, since it’s so cold and there are only 2, so not a lot of body warmth ti share.

My seedlings are doing pretty well, considering how much attention the animals demand.  These are Loofa gourd plants that have just emerged this week!


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I let a Muscovy hen hatch out a clutch late last year…silly me.  So today we butchered them.  I’m excited to butcher them during a little slower time of year.  In the fall all the butchering happens at once and there is so much to process and so much else to do, canning, closing down the garden, getting ready for the holidays, all on top of the rest of life (I do still have a full time job and a family that aren’t put on the shelf during the harvest season).

All this to say that my butchering season is bare bones.  Get them done, and safely packed in the freezer, leaving no time for a little fun…like sausage making!  I always figure I’ll get to it when life calms down, but really, I don’t.  Butchering these ducks, at this time of year has given me a fine opportunity to follow through!  They are resting in the refrigerator tomorrow, and Saturday, I’m going to debone, grind and season.  I’m going for bulk sausage, because that is what I like to use (I always strip sausage from the casing), and because that is one less step in the making.  I’m definitely making some with sage, but I’m still researching options for the rest.  There are 6 ducks, so a fair amount of meat.  This is going to be fun!

The rearranging has begun.  There is Winter house and summer housing for the ducks and chickens.  I pulled out some of the non breeding birds and put them in broody houses.  I’m hoping to get them to start setting before my incubator crew hatches, so they can mama for me.  We’ll see, but at any rate they do not need to be in the breeding coop.

The duck breeds will be separated, and a new rooster is coming to spend time with a section of the hens, so he and his gals will get their own coop, too.

I think one of my favorite parts of farming is the blank slate/open possibilities.  There are many ways to do things and I love all the choices!

Nellie finally got brave enough to go introduce herself to her new neighbors…


Thank you Christopher (husband) for the video!

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The bad news first.  My experiment with the two sister rabbits didn’t go as I’d hoped.  The one with three left had her nest box full of litter and all the babies were dead.  Not sure if it was an issue with them sharing a space, or if she’s a bad mom, or what, but I decided to pull her out today, leaving the other sister in the housing with her one baby…Considering what to do next.

My broody hen finally got some real eggs today and she is on them like a pro.  So in 21 days we should have baby chicks.

So there was a bright spot to ease into more bad news.  I have now lost all but 3 of the 10 Muscovy Ducklings.  I have no idea why the last group all stayed alive and why these little ones are dropping left and right, but the next hatch will be put in a brooding cage for 2 weeks, or more so they are stronger.  That way, I might end up with some duck in the freezer for winter!

Ending on an up note.  Nellie got her new lead today.  She was so pleased.  It was longer than her older one, by a few feet, giving her access to new grass.  She was super friendly tonight, and gave a little moo-ish moan when I gave her neck a little scratch.  Nellie and I are learning to understand each other.

Tomorrow night after the animals are in bed, Nellie is tucked in, and our girls are off to dream land, Grammy is coming over so we can go out to the Brookford Farm Movie Night!  Two cool documentaries about farming, some local farm made goodies, under the stars, on a nice cool night!  If you’re free around 9pm tomorrow night, head on over!

Free Outdoor Film

The Plow That Broke the Plains & The Greenhorns
June 4th – 9:00 PM
On the Farm at 278 Sligo Road, Rollinsford, NH


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Ducks are creatures of habit.  This is what makes them easy to care for, and it is also what makes them very hard.  If they get in a routine that works for you, too, ducks are almost too easy to keep.  Let them out in the morning.  Feed them around dusk, shut their door.  So easy.

If you decide to put a cow in their barn, and move them to a different house, a few feet away from the barn, well, forget it.  No amount of herding will work, and you will likely end up covered in mud, realizing you should have just let them go in their normal house and taken them from there…I give you this lesson to learn from the easy way.  Sometimes I just get in my own way.

The end of the story is the ducks are in their temporary home, but their final destination will be built where the temporary one is, so I think they will be pretty easy to convince the next time…we’ll see.

Tomorrow I am cleaning out the “barn”, reinforcing the floor, and putting down new bedding for Nellie.  I can’t believe we are getting a cow!


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All three Muscovy Hens have attempted to hatch a clutch, this Spring.  The first Hen hatched 3 of 14, the second hatched 0 of 14 and the third hatch 11 of 13, with one not making it out of the shell all the way, for total of 10.  Last night I saw she had hatched a bunch, but couldn’t tell how many.  I didn’t want her leaving the nest in the night or early morning because I didn’t know if everyone else in the coop would play nice with the ducklings, so I secured a net over the front of her box to keep her in.

This morning we took the girls out to watch the ducklings leave the nest.  They jump from a 2-3 foot high next box so it’s pretty funny to watch.

We waited, and waited, but they did not come out.  After we gave up and left, I went back to check and she took them out when there wasn’t an audience.

Mama is proud and is sticking close to her little ones…

…except when she leaves them with their papa.

Not much is cuter than a duckling.  There are 10 from this hatch and Mama 1, with the original 3, already has a nice size clutch started, so there will be another round starting soon.

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What a week…or so!  I got very tied up with work.  I’m running a sale, and over the weekend had a show…oops.  Didn’t think that through.  The upside is that I managed to do both, pretty well, I just had to drop everything else.  But I’m back to life as usual…whatever that might be.

What you’ve missed around the farm:

Maybelle kindled a litter of 6 big beautiful babies.  I was so proud of her.  One wriggled away from the group, and got too cold, so there are only 5, but she’s an amazing mom.  Really the best mom I’ve seen through here!  Needless to say, I really like that rabbit.

Mama Muscovy#1 hatched 3 ducklings on Wednesday, the 20th. A little sad about the numbers, but it was the first batch of the season, so hopefully the other two Mama’s have better luck.  This mama will have at least one more chance for another clutch later this summer.

Mama Muscovy #2 is about a week from hatching, and Mama Muscovy #3 just went on her nest of about 9 eggs Wednesday the 20th.

No chickens have decided to go broody yet, so there are no new chicks on the horizon.

The peas are up!  The spinach is putting on their first set of real leaves, as are the radishes.  The lettuce and beets are up!  My bed of neglected garlic from last year has garlic popping up all over.  I’m interested to see what that produces.  My planted garlic, properly spaced, with straw mulch is up now, too.

The seedlings, mainly tomatoes, basil and peppers, with some miscellaneous goodies like tomatillos and ground cherries, are doing great!

What you missed in the kitchen:

Not my kitchen, but Sunday April 17, the day after the show, I had the most amazing breakfast made from local ingredients.  Sharon and Ken invited myself and a few other friends over for brunch.  We talked about local farming, the ups the downs, what can be done, education that could be spread, all while enjoying some amazing dishes!  Baked goods with local honey and maple sweeteners, local flour, eggs, shrimp…it was delicious.  All of it.  We even had sugar that was made by one of the guests.  She just returned from a 10 day field trip with a local school to Costa Rica.  She harvested and processed sugar cane and brough that along with coffee she roasted.  Not local, but done with local hands, and we all enjoyed the special treat.

My own kitchen has been fairly lonely, but I did pull some sourdough out of the fridge.  I had placed a cup of Irma in the refrigerator last month, and exactly one month later, I pulled it out, put it in a bowl with water and flour and it was bubbling in no time!  I’m so excited to have such a hearty sourdough starter.  I have big, crazy plans for that starter, very soon.

I enjoyed scambled eggs topped with tat soi and arugula micro greens and some diced chives for lunch.  What a great Spring meal, and all from my yard.  I don’t think that will ever stop being a good feeling.

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I’m not sure where I got the idea, but I did, and had to try it.  I know it came from my own brain, but not sure what inspired it…I think it was the radishes.  Did you know that if you cook radishes they loose their bite and sweeten?

First I made some sourdough pizza crust.  Then I sliced carrots, radishes, and leeks thinly.  I diced some rabbit tenderloin that I saved out from our Rabbit feast of the other night.  A bit of butter, in the pan, add the rabbit.  Once it was browned on the outside, I tossed in the carrots and radishes, followed shortly later by the leeks.  Once the rabbit was about done, and the veggies tender, I threw in a full head of garlic, minced.  I thought that might be overkill, but I was so wrong.  It was perfect.  After the garlic was soft, everything in the pan was placed on the precooked pizza dough.  I topped it all with shredded Monteray Jack cheese, and then sprinkled with dried thyme.

The pizza was place into the 450 degree oven, for about 15 minutes.  The crust and cheese were nicely browned.  Once removed I topped with micro greens, and served with a generous garnish of more micro greens.  We can’t get enough of the greens around here this year.

This pizza was amazing.  I’m not just tooting my own horn.  I was in awe of how good this was.  The carrots and radishes were so sweet, the garlic has just enough zing left in it, the rabbit was perfectly cooked and tender, the garlic, butter and leeks combined to add just enough moisture to not need a “sauce”.

I am not sure whether to call this Peter Rabbit Pizza or Farmer McGregor Pizza…but the idea of the rabbits paired with carrots, radishes and leeks appeals to my sense of irony.

Average Large Chicken Egg on Right, Average Duck Egg, and the monster duck egg…  I can’t imagine what she thought when she laid that.  My husband said it made him wonder for a moment if a much larger bird just stopped by for a visit, and he was a little disappointed not to have seen the ostrich on it’s way through.


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This morning we herded the kids out to the car…yes, little girls, not goats, “yet”.  We headed to Kittery Maine for a breakfast that was hosted by Slow Food Seacoast and Tidewater School.  What a great time.  The food was an impressive spread of all local ingredients, yes all local!

Buttermilk Pancakes made with Buttermilk, Whole Milk and Flour from Brookford Farm, Kate’s Butter, Local Honey and eggs. Topped with Sugarmomma’s Maple Syrup.

Apple Compote made with apples from Wolf Pine Farm sauteed in Kate’s Homemade butter, and sweetened with cider and maple syrup.   The compote was topped with yogurt from Brookford.

Scrambled eggs from several farms, including Chicken Nick’s, the son of Sugarmomma.

Two kinds of sausage, Peppercorn Fennel Pork  from New Roots and Turkey made with apple cider from Cider Hill Orchard, turkey from Misty Knoll Farm Maple syrup and native seasonings (sumac and sasafrass).

Apple Cider to drink, though they had coffee and tea, available from White Heron Tea and .  Not local to NH, but they were sourced with Fair Trade methods.

After breakfast Slow Food Seacoast was giving away various seeds for planting.  These were seeds that were seed saved and are part of the Raft list. I selected Blue Scotch Kale, Early Blood Rooted Turnip Beet and Orach.

The Tidewater School is so amazing.  I really love everything I’ve been too that involved them.  Their May Faire is a “Don’t Miss” and is held at their school on May 14 this year.  They had two activities available today.  One involved taking a piece of bark, layering the inside with potting soil, pressing that down, adding soaked wheat seeds (from Brookford Farm), and pressing them into the soil.  When it’s home we need to spray it with water to keep it from drying out, and in a matter of a few days there should be little sprouts of wheat grass, that will grow into several inches by Easter.

Next they had cleaned out some of the egg shells from breakfast and let the kids fill them with soil, seeds for Tennis Ball Lettuce, and cover with soil.

Both girls enjoyed the activities and are excited to see what will happen.  The Bark is on the table, but the lettuce is under the grow lights downstairs for greater insurance of success.

I’m so glad we went.  It was a wonderful family time.  I can’t find my camera, so no pictures, but hopefully it turns up soon.

Oh, by they way…

SugarMomma said it’s been a bumper crop for Maple this year!  I highly recommend picking up a bottle.

New Roots had a fun annoucement on their Facebook Page…be sure to friend them: We are offering a Farmers’ Market-based bulk purchase program. We have 10 Heritage Breed Meat Shares available for $200. This will entitle the shareholder to $225 of meat from now until December 31, 2011. This can be used for chicken, pork, lamb, beef or goat at the Portsmouth and Exeter Markets. Email farmers@newrootsfarm.com for more info or to register.

Brookford Farm has awesome CSA options available that could make the grocery store just about obsolete.  They have choices of Meat, Veggie, Dairy and Grain options for 12 week CSA’s.  Year Round, even!

News from my Homestead…Calliope has begun nesting and pulling fur!  Hoping for a litter tomorrow.  Sometime next week, there should be some Muscovy ducklings wandering about.  For their sake, I hope it warms up.

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